July 2014: This blog is now in a semi-archived state. It no longer plays a significant role in facilitating my work. I may post here sporadically in the future, or I may not.

This blog is a chronological repository of digital remnants related to my work. Externalising thoughts here facilitates dialogue, both personal and social, which can help develop those ideas. The ad hoc nature of the blog means that there is no overt topic. The amount of contextualisation provided depends upon the status and posture I have chosen to promote, which in each case (each post) is a response to how the inherent artifact becomes mediated by its display here.

Sam Kelly
sam [ at ] freshpap.com

"The Existential Imagination" motif

Untitled (Coventry war memorial), 2008

The Existential Imagination - From de Sade to Sartre edited by Frederick R. Karl & Leo Hamalian, 1973, Pan Books Ltd. [ISBN 0 330 23808 6]

My dad read this book when I was about ten years old. Noticing it as it moved from room to room about the family house, the unattributed cover image has stuck with me ever since. I had some embryonic understanding of, and interest in Existentialism at that age, and the evocative image became synonymous with my subsequent intellection of the idea. The phallic/monolithic symbol has become a motif which I reiterate perennially.